Incorporating portable 4D motion analysis technology into our bike fitting service ensures the most precise understanding of a riders movement patterns when they ride their bike. The System and Advanced Motion Performance Indicators (MPIs) give us the most accurate solution for our bike fitting based on the riders actual positioning and movements during the Indoor Studio Session as well as outside on a ride.

Body movements on a Stationary trainer or a Bike Fitting Jig are not the same as those in the real world. After doing the bike fit in our studio, we can then have the riders ride out on the road or in a velodrome and then fine tune the position even further based on the data recorded from 4D Motion Capture System.

Many Video Capture Systems including the Velogicfit System we use, can only record from one side of the body at a time, so it can be very cumbersome to keep swapping around Left & Right sides for Video capture. However with the 4D Motion Capture IMU Pods used in conjunction with the Velogicfit 3D Video Capture we can get data on both sides of the body at the same time, therefore making it much more accurate, easier to identify any asymmetries & removes the need to keep moving the Bike around during the Bike Fit session.

One of the greatest advantages of using the 4D Motion Capture Technology in our Bike Fits is that we can immediately analyse the entire Pedal Stroke for Dead Spots.
A “dead spot” is where pedalling power is lost when shifting from one movement pattern to another during the pedalling stroke (such as the shift between the power and recovery phase).
Optimal pedalling motions are smooth and apply less stress to the body. DSS is measured by the foot’s angular velocity, where any deviation from a smooth angular velocity sine curve is considered a dead spot. Each dead spot is represented along the pedalling cycle by a filled circle, and a circle’s size indicates the magnitude of deviation.
Since dead spots are caused by many factors, our Bike Fitter must first find the primary cause of a high DSS. One known cause of a high DSS is the overuse of less powerful secondary muscles (such as hamstrings) over larger primary muscles (such as the glutes).